
Dinesh is an Inspirational speaker who has achieved a DTM, the highest accreditation in communication from the world leader in public speaking training, Toastmasters International of Mission Viejo, California.

Dinesh’s  speeches are from the heart and embodies his years of experience as a leader. They are easy to understand yet powerful  and passionate. You will find them ideal for business events that are official or social in nature. 

If your purpose is to inspire, train or entertain audiences of 10-200 people. You will find them thought provoking, yet  importantly designed to invoke action or open people’s minds to change. 

The Paradigm Shift

Objective : Inspiration to Change / Change Management  
"The Swiss were the masters of watch making and had 65% of the global market share for watches and about 80% of the world watch making profits, but within a few years their market share had dropped to less than 10%.

What happened, there was a paradigm shift.......................... 
Swiss had failed to recognise and change in time "

A paradigm is a problem solving system with boundaries or rules that help you achieve a goal.
A paradigm shift is the movement from one paradigm to another
and when a paradigm shifts every thing goes to ZERO.

For whom : Teams undergoing change. Ideal to motivate teams to be open to a new vision /strategy/ structure or system  is being implemented. Even when business turnaround / restructure is the goal.

Time : 45-90 minutes

12 steps - Leadership, the path

Objective : Creating a team of leaders, Inspiring Leadership, Building a culture of leadership

Every leader has a profound duty to its followers! a duty to be an Influence
This is not principles and practices of leadership but about inspiring and ingraining TRUE character and values leaders must possess. Values that will build lasting teams and organisations.

"Today is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to do as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind…let it be something good."
You cannot change the past, no matter how hard you try, you can only learn from it and change the future, today.
This speech was inspired by another great leader Rich Niemiec, founder  TUSC & best selling author.

For whom : Ideal for for any organisation looking to build a culture of leadership. Very Inspiring.
Time : 45-90 minutes

Improving Management Skills 
Objective : Building Leadership & Management skills. Fundamentals of management.
Fabulous program for aspiring leaders and as a refresher to those currently in management positions, however experienced and trained.
Min 3 Hours

The Manager has to create tomorrow, to slough off yesterday and to render obsolete what already exists and is known-Drucker 
All Managers exist for one purpose to Influence an organisation and its people to achieve objectives Management is the process by which a cooperative group directs the actions of others toward common goals-MassieDouglas 
Managers Lead & Co-ordinate activities of other persons to achieve results
Goal Setting 
If your goals are clear, they will help you then accomplish the tasks & meet challenges 
Characteristics of a Goal
Accomplish Personal Goals
Setting & Achieving goals is the 1st step to developing management skills
Planning is deciding in advance 1) What you hope to do 2) How to do it 3) When to do it  & 4) Who is to do it #Leadership
How to Delegate
We may delegate authority but we don’t escape RESPONSIBILITY. #Leadership
Leaders are always ACCOUNTABLE for teams action & decisions #Leadership
Implementing, is Putting plans into effect
Wise Leaders
Recognising performance 
Coaching - Through coaching, managers, Help people see their strengths, weaknesses and help build on them, 
Wise leaders use coaching to Help people build skills, analyze their own performance, Help become motivated
Right Coaching
Good Managers sets a measure or standard  of achievement
Nobody can prevent you from choosing to be exceptional. —Mark Sanborn, The Fred Factor

For whom :  Ideal  program for aspiring leaders and as a refresher to those currently in management positions, however experienced.
Time : 3-5 hours 

Resources Are Limited - Creativity is Unlimited
Objective : Inspirational , taking organisational and individual performance to new heights

An inspirational story to inspire individuals to be resourceful and creative. To make creativity & resourcefulness part of an organisation's culture.
The story of South Korean Steel giant POSCO.. growing from being a small shed to a global superpower.
How deeply ingrained organisational values drive organisations to out perform industry benchmarks and competition globally, no matter what size you are.

For whom : Teams looking for change, inspiration, going through tough times..
Time : 45-90 minutes  

Soul Driven Leadership - SDL

When Competence of Leadership must stand up..
High quality leadership with a long term view is perhaps one of the most lacking competence in our country today. Chest beating, fast talking, cost cutting  leaders are a plenty but is that the type our country, our companies and our people deserve?  Organisations with a vision and more importantly a soul will thrive, where ever they are in the world.  These organisations will profit even in tough economic times in the most under performing industries..  

Apple and Google have been favourites of mine for many years, examples of soul driven leadership. These organisations have thrived in the worst economic times the world has seen. What it takes is leadership that gave it a soul.   How do you muster human talent to achieve great world beating outcomes.

Virgin group run by Richard Branson is another great example of an organisation with a soul. A brand that stands for its values and a leader that is true to its values in the way he lives and runs over a thousand businesses.

Another favourite, Salesforce.com an organisation with a highly competent leader, in fact a culture of leadership. These are companies with souls...they are growing when most companies are going backwards, and as long as they remain so will continue to grow.

For whom: Leaders, Managers,Junior and Senior
Time : 45-to 90 minutes, or 3 hours (detailed version).

Life is Precious

Objective : Inspirational / Goal Achievement / Success

Every moment of is so precious. Like this moment !!
And we need to make the best our of it.

Just recently , I had the awful awful experience when I learnt some very bad news ..... , 
she was 9 months.
The parents, such wonderful and loving people..... 
and as you can imagine ..... 

Life is precious, every day is precious. There are great lessons for us who have the gift of another day to live.
I will share with you today 7 principles of living our lives to the full, achieving , living and loving :-) 

The 1st principle I would like to share is from Michael Angelo
" Dream as though you will live for ever
                                      and live as though you will die today"

We need to dream and have big dreams yet enjoy every day to the full
Enjoy our family, our friends, work mates!   and just make our lifestyles infectious.

For whom :  For teams needing a lift, or refocus. Ideal to motivate teams, to inspire leadership, towards achievement and to build values.. .
Time : 45-90 minutes